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How to become a blood donor? Printable version

Last update: 06.12.2021

donor donates bloodRequirements to donor

Donor – is a person who gives his blood and with this grants a health to a sick person and life to a dying one.  According to Article 203 of the Code "On the health of the people and the health care system," virtually any healthy person over 18 years of age who has undergone a corresponding medical examination and who has no contraindications, who volunteered to donate blood and its components for medical purposes, can become a donor.

What you need to know before donating blood:

On the basis of the order of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan, donors are accepted only if there are documents proving their identity or a document of military registration for conscripts. Donors can be persons who have reached the age of 18. The weight of the donor must be at least 55 kg.

In the days of donation and the day of donating blood and its components it is not recommended for donors:

  • to eat fatty, fried, spicy, smoked, dairy products.
  • to drink alcohol for two days before the procedure.
  • to take aspirin, analgin, other drugs containing analgesics, three days before the procedure.
  • to smoke less than an hour before the procedure.

The donor is obliged to inform the known information about all existing or previously transferred diseases, as well as about the use of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and precursors.

A donor can donate blood for free or for a fee. Before giving blood, the donor undergoes mandatory free medical examination. Health certificates for the implementation of donor functions are issued free of charge to public health organizations.

According to the People's Health and Healthcare Code on the days of medical examination and donation of blood and its components, an employee who is a donor is released from work by the employer while maintaining an average salary. The donor, who performs the donor function, receives an additional one day of rest without compensation, with the preservation of the average wage. If the donor, in agreement with the employer, has started work, and he is provided at his request another day, or this day may be included in the annual work holiday.

If the donor is a serviceman, during the days of giving blood is released from carrying out orders, watches and other forms of service, and students and students are released from school.

The donor, who performs the donor function free of charge, receives a free meal or its monetary equivalent in the amount of 0.25 MCIs established by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan for replenishment of the volume of his blood and energy costs of the organism after giving blood.

In what cases the can refuse you in donation?

Contraindications to donation (criterion of permanent withdrawal from donation)

Criteria for temporary removal from blood donation

Benefits of blood donation


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