Flood victims can apply for assistance via smartphone

April 19, 2024

The Ministry of Digital Development, Innovations and Aerospace Industry, in cooperation with the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of Population and National Information Technologies JSC implemented the capability for the flood victims to apply for assistance via the eGov Mobile application.
Су тасқынынан зардап шеккендер смартфон арқылы көмек алуға өтініш бере алады

April 19, 2024

Цифрлық даму, инновациялар және аэроғарыш өнеркәсібі министрлігі Еңбек және халықты әлеуметтік қорғау министрлігімен, сондай-ақ «Ұлттық ақпараттық технологиялар» АҚ-мен бірлесіп, су тасқынынан зардап шеккен тұрғындарға eGov Mobile қосымшасы арқылы көмек алуға өтінім беру қызметін жасады.
Пострадавшие от паводков могут подать заявку на получение помощи через смартфон

April 19, 2024

Министерством цифрового развития, инноваций и аэрокосмической промышленности совместно с Министерством труда и социальной защиты населения, а также АО «Национальные информационные технологии» предоставлена возможность пострадавшим от наводнений подать заявки на получение помощи через приложение eGov Mobile.

«VAT Blockchain» Informational system -


The system is designed to generate decentralized database that enables tracking taxpayers` financial transactions chains and performing the guaranteed VAT reimbursement.

Project`s objective:

Implementation of the "Administration of VAT with the use of Blockchain technology", which is aimed at solving a number of issues related to the administration of VAT, including:

• Complicated procedure of VAT reimbursement for exporters;

• Incapability of companies that perform sales at the domestic level to reimburse VAT;

• Insignificant level of VAT reimbursement.


Link to the website


«Invest Online» -


Specifically designed product (mobile app) through which Kazakhstani citizens can invest money into securities online.


User-friendly and free-of-charge tool for individuals to invest money into notes of the National Bank of Kazakhstan.


Link to the website


Single Register of Administrative Proceedings -


Creation of single database of administrative proceedings, online execution of protocols and payment for fines on the spot.


All the process of administrative proceedings was automated in the projects, beginning with initiation of action and finishing with execution of administrative penalty.

Annually, 64 government agencies create over 4 million protocols on administrative punishment and 54 agencies consider cases of administrative offences.


• Provide citizens with fast, transparent and legal administrative process

• Capability to control the process of administrative case

• Fast and easy way to pay for fines


Link to the website

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