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Is it possible to retire early? Printable version

Last update: 18.03.2024

Pursuant to the applicable legislation, the retirement age for men is 63 years old, and for women it is 61 years old. In the period 2023 to 2028, the retirement age for women will not change and will be 61 years old. The maximum retirement age of 63 years old will be effective from 2031. However, some Kazakhstani citizens can retire even earlier. The article describes under which conditions it is possible.

What are the cases when women retire early?

Currently, women retire at the age of 61. In the period 2023 to 2028, the retirement age for women will not change and will be 61 years old. The maximum retirement age of 63 years old will be effective from 2031.

At the same time, the increase in the retirement age did not affect women who are entitled to early retirement at 53 years old, i.e. women who gave birth to (adopted) 5 or more children and raised them up to the age of 8.

Also, the benefit was saved on crediting the period which a non-employed mother spends on care after young children until each child reaches the age of 3 years, within 12 years in total as the employment length. 

There is also a credit in the employment length for certain socially significant periods, such as the time of caring after a disabled child under the age of 18; time of caring after a disabled person of the first group/a single disabled person of the second group and an old-age pensioner in need of assistance, as well as after an elderly who have reached the age of eighty; periods of residence of spouses of military personnel (except conscripts), employees of special government agencies with their spouses in areas where there was no possibility of employment based on their specialty; periods of residence abroad of spouses of employees of former soviet institutions/institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan and international organizations, but not more than 10 years in total, etc.

Option of early pension payments receipt from the Unified Pension Savings Fund

Depositors who have applied for retirement annuity can get pension savings from the Unified Pension Savings Fund eight years earlier. To do this, a person needs to sign a contract with an insurance company providing such a service. Afterwards, the pension fund transfers all the savings to the company, and it provides the lifelong pension insurance payments to a customer. In order to enter into an agreement with an insurance company and retire early, one needs to accumulate a sufficient amount of money, which varies depending on the gender and age of a depositor.

Since 2023, men aged 55 can enter into an annuity agreement, while for women this age is 53. Persons who have been working in hazardous production for at least 5 years can also enter into a retirement annuity agreement.

The age both for men and for women is 50 years old. It means that an employer should have to ensure mandatory professional pension contributions for the employees for at least 5 years. At the same time, the younger an applicant for early retirement is, the larger amount should be accumulated in the Unified Pension Savings Fund. Payments from insurance companies are indexed by 7% annually.

To get the payments, one can apply via the e-Government portal for the service "Payment of pensions out of pension savings formed due to mandatory pension contributions, mandatory occupational pension contributions in the Unified Pension Savings Fund."

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