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What is to be done in case of flood or mudflow Printable version

Last update: 10.03.2023

floods and mudflows

Mudflow - is a stream of great destructive power consisting of water, sand and stones. It is capable of destroying buildings, roads, communication networks, premises and gardens, flooding arable land and leading to the death of people and animals.

Causes of mudflows:

intense and lasting downpours, breakout of mountain reservoirs

rapid melting of snow or glaciers

collapse of a large amount of loose soil into the riverbed


violation of rules and regulations by mining enterprises

explosions during laying of roads and construction of other structures

improper execution of agricultural activities

deforestation and disturbance of soil and vegetation cover

Signs of mudflow hazard:

  • lasting or intense rain showers in mountainous areas
  • sharp and lasting increase in air temperature in the upper reaches of mudflow-prone rivers
  • sharp drop or increase in the water level in the river, an increase in water turbidity

Mudflows can be recognized by a specific rumble, as though a train is approaching at high speed

 When visiting mudflow-prone riverbeds

  • leave a mudflow-prone riverbed if there is an intense downpour in the upper reaches
  • do not stop to rest and do not set up camp near mudflow-prone riverbeds, on lake temporary dams and under them;
  • do not stop nearby steep cliffs and steep slopes as mudflows can cause a landslide or rockfall
  • if signs of mudflow are detected, immediately move away as far from a riverbed as possible up the mountain slopes;
  • do not approach the moving mudflow closer than 50-70 m;
  • do not descend into the mudflow channel after mudflow shaft have passed

If your home is located in a dangerous area:

  • make a list of documents, property and medicines that need to be taken during evacuation
  • put valuables, necessary warm clothes, a supply of food, water and medicines in a special backpack (keep it always ready to take)
  • in case of a threat or a sudden mudflow, take your belongings and climb to the highest points of the terrain

If time allows, turn off electricity, gas and water supply before leaving a house, extinguish the stoves. Close the doors, windows and air vents tightly.

After a mudflow, beware of repeated flows, slope slidings, torn and sagging electrical wires and damaged gas main lines!

Always keep in mind the safe movement routes and assembly points in a village. You can find out their location in the district emergency departments as well as at cooperatives of apartment owners or property owners associations at a place of residence.

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