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Electricity meters: how to use and when to change Printable version

Last update: 22.05.2024


еlectricity meters

The Clause 1 of Article 487 of the Civil Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan stipulates that a subscriber shall ensure a proper technical condition and safety of energy networks, devices and equipment in operation, observe an established energy consumption regime and immediately inform an energy supply organization about accidents, fires, malfunctions of energy metering devices and other dysfunctions arising from the use of energy.

Nonetheless, Clause 2 of Article 487 of the Civil Code establishes that in cases when a citizen using energy for household consumption acts as a subscriber under an energy supply contract, an obligation to ensure the proper technical condition and safety of energy networks, as well as energy consumption metering devices, is assigned to an energy supply organization, unless otherwise established by the legislation.

Pursuant to subclause 30) of Clause 2 of Article 26 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Natural Monopolies", a natural monopoly entity is obliged to purchase and install metering devices to consumers in accordance with subclause 8) of Clause 23 of Article 15 of the Law, except for the cases of acceptance and commissioning of construction facilities;

According to Clause 39 of the Rules for Electric Energy Usage, installation of commercial electricity metering devices for the purposes of ECMAS at newly constructed or re-constructed facilities is made at the expense of a consumer, while replacement of previously installed commercial metering devices for consumers using electric energy for household consumption is made at the expense of energy transmission organizations, provided that this norm is included into the tariff for electric energy transmission.

Otherwise stated, replacement of previously installed commercial metering devices for consumers using electric power for household consumption is carried out at the expense of an energy transmission organization, provided that this norm is included into the tariff for electric energy transmission.

However, a consumer also has the right to purchase and install a metering device.

Who should install and pay for installing the counter

What are you entitled to as a consumer

In this case, you are obliged

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