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July 15, 2024

The Ministry of Justice, together with the Ministry of Digital Development, Innovation and Aerospace Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan and JSC National Information Technologies, announces the launch of the Digital Power of Attorney of a Legal Entity service in the eGov Business mobile application
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July 15, 2024

Қазақстан Республикасының Әділет министрлігі Цифрлық даму, инновация және аэроғарыш министрлігі және «Ұлттық ақпараттық технологиялар» АҚ-мен бірлесіп «eGov Business» мобильді қолданбасында «Заңды тұлғаның цифрлық сенімхаты» сервисін іске қосқаны туралы хабарлайды
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July 15, 2024

Министерство юстиции совместно с Министерством цифрового развития, инноваций и аэрокосмической промышленности РК и АО «Национальные информационные технологии» сообщает о запуске сервиса «Цифровая доверенность юридического лица» в мобильном приложении «eGov Business»

July 15, 2024

In the first half of 2024, Kazakhstanis received more than 20 million public services through eGov and eGov Mobile

July 15, 2024

eGov.kz  порталы қазірдің өзінде барлық мемлекеттік қызметтер мен сервистердің 90%-дан астамын автоматтандырды. Смартфондардан қызмет алуға деген жоғары сұранысты ескере отырып, eGov Mobile мобильді қосымшасын дамытуға ерекше назар аударылады.

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July 15, 2024

Портал eGov.kz уже автоматизировал более 90 % всех госуслуг и сервисов. Учитывая высокий спрос на получение услуг со смартфонов особое внимание уделяется развитию мобильного приложения eGov Mobile. 

mobile phone

July 12, 2024

Representatives of small and medium-sized businesses will be able to use government services and services using the eGov Business mobile application
«Digital Kazakhstan» State Program
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Accessible internet for everyone
What opportunities does digitalization offer?
The best domestic solutions
Electronic government services
What is digital technology
Digital Kazakhstan – is a program designed to accelerate the pace of development of the Kazakhstani economy and improve the quality of life of our citizens.

Purpose of the program:

1. Accelerating the pace of economic development of the Republic of Kazakhstan and improving the quality of life of the population

2. Creating conditions for the economy's transition to a fundamentally new trajectory - the digital economy of the future

The program will be implemented in the period 2018–2022, will provide an additional impetus for the technological modernization of the country's flagship industries and create conditions for large-scale and long-term growth in labor productivity.
5 key areas of the program
Digitization of economic branches
Transition to the digital state
Innovative ecosystem formation
Evolution of the human capital assets
Realization of the Digital Silk Way
Direction results
Цифровизация промышленности
Digitization of industry
Digital mining plant
Digital mining plant by means of “smart” sensory devices is able to monitor volumes and production operation velocity, to trace the rational utility of the equipment and to unite all these data into the integral informational system. The system minimizes human factor and ensures on-line-monitoring over manufacturing.
Digital discovery
Digital discovery combines several techniques of oil- and gas-sinking, as well as exploration and digital control in conjunction with standardize communication technologies.
Model digital factory
A smart factory enables by means of technologies to automatize almost all industrial cycles beginning from the raw material processing to the goods delivery, and control all these in the integral digital system.
Цифровизация транспорта и логистики
Digitization of transport and logistics
Smart traffic infrastructure
It will be implemented:
  • Weighting system during the movement.
  • Fee collection system at the highway areas.
  • Highway mobile laboratories.
  • Videomonitoring and detection of traffic rules/ Highway code violations.
  • Analysis and forecast of the traffic climatic conditions.
  • Incorporation of the Artificial Intellect at the highways.
Multimodal traffic
Automation of the cargo transportation by all kinds of transport will be introduced:
  • Carriages by road
  • Carriages by rail
  • Transportation by sea and river
  • Air carriages
Развитие электронной торговли, финансовых технологий и безналичных платежей
Evolution of electronic commerce, financial technologies and cashless payments
Fulfillment-center gives the possibility for the internet shops to stock goods, to form and pack orders, to send them to the customers and to receive returns. Fulfillment-center network allows reduction of the speed and the cost of goods delivery to buyers.
E-commerce-center – is a communication venue for representatives of on-line and off-line business, a center of МСБ / SME support and competency increase in the electronic commerce, as well as the center of rendering complex services on goods delivery.
Open API
Open API Technology permits programmers to use easily the ready blocks to build their own applications. Open API is successfully applied on the Open data portal of eGov.
Remote identification
Model of the individual remote identification, using data bases of the state and commerce companies, including data based on various biometric indices. It gives the possibility to construct digital universal environment for intercommunication and communications among financial institutions, customers, state bodies and organizations.
Цифровизация агропромышленного комплекса
Digitization of the agricultural sector
“Accurate arable farming”
Management system “Accurate arable farming” gives the possibility to farmers to monitor the rates of seeds, humidity, nutrient elements, pests, precipitation probability, etc.
Monitoring in the animal industry and crop production
The following will be implemented:
  • System on pedigree recording in the animal industry.
  • The system of control in the forestry management, protection, reproduction and utilization of fauna.
  • The system “from the farm to the counter”.
Unified electronic trading facility for realization of the agricultural sector production.
Государство – гражданам
Government to Citizens
Paperless document circulation:
  • Digital by default — translation of government services exclusively in electronic format
  • OPEN API — receiving services through third-party applications
  • Excluding the request for information
Electronic job board
Consolidation of public systems and private employment agencies into a common Internet site.
“Unified State Real Estate Cadastre” IS
The information system will unite services in the sphere of land relations, architecture, construction, nature management, environmental protection, geology, housing and communal services and agriculture. Each new object will appear on the map when passing the procedures of public services, updating it in a proactive mode, be it a house or a road.
  • Artificial intelligence in terms of diagnosis and management of treatment plans
  • Mobile health (mHealth) and “remote” consultations
  • E-Health passport for citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Государство – бизнесу
Government to Business
Single window for export-import operations
“Single window” will save the business from the need to provide paper documents to the customs. Through a single access point, a participant of foreign economic activity in the process of customs clearance of goods will receive all necessary permits from government agencies./div>
  • Automation of end-to-end monitoring and movement of goods.
  • Information system for marking goods with control (identification) signs.
Digitalization of small and medium business’ support
  • Provision of basic IT services’ packages and digital business models.
  • Automatic lists’ generation and schedules of SME audits.
  • Mobile application “Qamqor” for tracking the legitimacy of checks by entrepreneurs.
  • Transparent and automated state support measures on a single platform.
Virtual warehouse
Administration of VAT-accounting of the Republic of Kazakhstan and maintenance of electronic invoices with the use of Blockchain technology.
Цифровизация внутренней деятельности государственных органов
Digitalization of internal activities of state bodies
eGov platform development
  • Focus on the needs of the population through personalization and omnichannels.
  • Proactive services’ list expansion.
Prevention of offenses
The following will be implemented:
  • Electronic authorization and transfer of cases to court.
  • Criminal and administrative cases in electronic format.
  • Automatic generation of lists and schedules of checks.
  • “One-stop window” for receiving all appeals – to the police, state agencies, etc.
  • Big Data to eliminate the possibility of committing offenses.
  • Automated system for collecting data on air passengers.
“Умные” города
Smart cities
Electronic condominium
Each QR-code building will have its own website, which will contain the latest information – telephone service organizations, district policeman, family doctor and much more.
Smart City
Smart city concept will be implemented:
  • «Smart Astana»
  • «Smart Almaty»
  • «Smart Ontustyk»
  • «Smart Aktobe»
  • «Smart Karaganda»
Reference standard
JSC National Infocommunication Holding "Zerde" developed and approved the reference standard for "smart" cities of the Republic of Kazakhstan, which contains recommendations and establishes common approaches to building "smart" cities using information and communication technologies by order No. 152 / НҚ dated July 10, 2019 of the Minister of Digital Development, Innovation and Aerospace Industry.
ICT infrastructure
Broadband access to the internet that will be provided mostly via fiber-optical communication lines.
4G network (5G)
The most up-to-date generation of cellular network allows transfer data at the speed higher than 100 Mbit/s. The 5G standard implementation is expected after 2020.
Kazakhstani communication satellite that will support mobile, satellite communication and television and radio broadcasting after 2023.
Cyber security
Big Data analysis
This analysis and processing of important information represented by huge arrays of data.
Malicious code analysis
This is the analysis of computer programs, most often viruses, that harm users and their software.
Information security standards
These are mandatory requirements or recommended standards of the safe usage of information systems.
Государство – гражданам
Digitalization of education
Secondary education
  • Introduction of programming basics in primary school classes.
  • Updating the content of the subject “Informatics” through updating the programming languages Java, C, Python, Rust, etc.
  • Introduction of the foundations of entrepreneurship and business (including technical entrepreneurship).
  • Conducting hakatons, olympiads and competitions in technical areas.
  • Digitalization of the educational process.
Higher education
  • Introduction of new specialties in higher educational institutions (data science, artificial intelligence, cloud computing, etc.).
  • Increase in the number of state grants for ICT specialties.
  • Integration of ICT in the disciplines of all specialties for 80% of universities.
  • Development of distance education through the creation of a national platform for open education.
  • Opening of ICT departments of universities on the basis of productions.
Continuing education
Providing basic and professional digital skills training for:
  • 100 thousand professionals
  • SME representatives
  • population
Development of professional standards of economic sectors taking into account the requirements of ICT skills.
Государство – гражданам
Start-up culture
Innovative development platform
  • Astana Hub will become an international technology park for IT start-ups.
  • Support of at least 1000 startup companies by technoparks, incubators of Kazakhstan.
Technology and start-up culture
Involvement of international entrepreneurs through the creation of favorable conditions:
  • start-up visa
  • living conditions
  • payment for relocation
  • financing
  • opening of international IT companies R&D centers
Venture financing
  • Adaptation of the legislative framework for financing start-up companies until 2019.
  • Attraction of $ 200 million of private investments into venture projects of Kazakhstan.
Innovation support
  • Innovation activities of large companies and government agencies support.
  • Selection of 298 innovative projects initiated by large companies for implementation in Astana Hub by 2022.
International rankings
29 place
UN international ranking on the e-government development index in 2020
56 place
Networked Readiness Index in 2020
55 place
in the ranking of the Global Competitiveness Index (GCI WEF) in 2019
52 place
in the ranking of the ICT Development Index in 2017
  1. e-Government Portal in the Republic of Kazakhstan

    In 2006, for the first time in Kazakhstan, eGov.kz, an e-government portal, was introduced. Availability of online public services became possible thanks to the introduction of digital signature (DS) for citizens on a free-of-charge basis. DS allows you to receive necessary public services and certificates from your home.

    More than 6 million people use eGov portal today. It is possible to deliver 760 online services through its infrastructure.


  2. e-Procurement

    Since 2010, public procurement has been carried out through Goszakup.gov.kz portal in real-time mode. This ensures the transparency of the process and the efficiency of budget funds utilization.

    The system makes it possible to conclude electronic contracts, conduct procurement procedures, identify a supplier, and publish information on concluded contracts and results of their execution.

  3. e-Pay

    The Single e-Gov Payment Gateway is an integrated system operating between government payment systems and banks. Kazakhstanis have a capability to pay for 120 types of taxes, state duties, fines as well as utilities and mobile communications.

    The full list of eGov online payments can be found here.

  4. e-License

    Since 2012, Kazakhstanis can receive all types of licenses and permits online on the portal Elicense.kz.

    The top 5 most popular services of the portal include the following:

    • on approval of land management projects;
    • notification of the start of activities as an individual entrepreneur;
    • issuance of a specialist certificate for admission to clinical practice;
    • issuance of permission to acquire civilian weapons and ammunition for individuals;
    • attraction of foreign labor force to carry out labor activities in the territory of the respective administrative-territorial unit.

    In 2017, more than 24 thousand licenses and 725 thousand permits and notifications were issued through the system.

    The full list of e-license services can be found here.

  5. e-Business Registration

    Since 2013, state registration of legal entities has been carried out online on the eGov.kz portal. For example, in order to open an LLP, a novice entrepreneur does not need a charter, does not need to pay registration fees or go to the tax authorities. All you need is a computer and an electronic digital signature. LLP registration will take less than 30 minutes.

    Services are automated for small and medium-sized businesses.

  6. e-Court Room

    A single window for access to judicial bodies’ online services Office.sud.kz is designed for submission of electronic applications, petitions and complaints in civil and criminal cases. In addition, eGov users can log into the "Courtroom" without authorization.

  7. e-Healthcare

    Since 2015, the population's access to open medical databases has increased. The following services were automated on the eGov portal: "Doctor's Home Call", "Book an appointment to doctor" and "Registration in medical organization". And through the portal of the Hospitalization Bureau the patient gets information about free beds in any hospitals of the republic for the next three days. If a patient has already received a referral from a doctor with a hospitalization code, he or she can review the current waiting lists for regional and national clinics and track his or her order.

  8. Open Government

    Further improvement of transparency, accountability and efficiency of government agencies is connected with the development of the "Open Government" of Kazakhstan. It consists of five components:

  9. «Digital Kazakhstan» National Program

    The logical step after consistent and comprehensive move towards digital transformation was to launch “Digital Kazakhstan” National Program in 2017. The program consists of five major areas based on which 17 initiatives were launched and over 120 events were held.

    In the coming years, we will be able to witness such effects from implementation of the initiatives as acceleration of economic development and enhancement of Kazakhstani citizens’ living standards. Major results on the other hand will be seen within the following decades when digital sector will be formed as a new economic sector.

Implemented projects within the framework of the "Digital Kazakhstan" program
  • Single (Unified) State Real Estate Cadastre IS
  • «KazSat-2R»
  • Digital mine
Learn more
  • Medicine
  • Education
  • E-services
  • Employment
  • Postal services
  • Agriculture
  • Transport
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