Flood victims can apply for assistance via smartphone

April 19, 2024

The Ministry of Digital Development, Innovations and Aerospace Industry, in cooperation with the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of Population and National Information Technologies JSC implemented the capability for the flood victims to apply for assistance via the eGov Mobile application.
Су тасқынынан зардап шеккендер смартфон арқылы көмек алуға өтініш бере алады

April 19, 2024

Цифрлық даму, инновациялар және аэроғарыш өнеркәсібі министрлігі Еңбек және халықты әлеуметтік қорғау министрлігімен, сондай-ақ «Ұлттық ақпараттық технологиялар» АҚ-мен бірлесіп, су тасқынынан зардап шеккен тұрғындарға eGov Mobile қосымшасы арқылы көмек алуға өтінім беру қызметін жасады.
Пострадавшие от паводков могут подать заявку на получение помощи через смартфон

April 19, 2024

Министерством цифрового развития, инноваций и аэрокосмической промышленности совместно с Министерством труда и социальной защиты населения, а также АО «Национальные информационные технологии» предоставлена возможность пострадавшим от наводнений подать заявки на получение помощи через приложение eGov Mobile.
Digitalization of environmental protection
Water transfer from the reservoir
Waste disposal
Digitalization of environmental protection

The "Digital Kazakhstan" State Programme provides for the creation of a "Unified State System of Environmental and Natural Resources Monitoring". Expected results:

implementation of the national strategy for sustainable development and prevention of ecological catastrophe
implementation of publicity processes in the field of environmental protection
monitoring of public opinion on environmental issues
efficiency of natural resources utilization
improvement of health and enhancement of longevity of the population
improvement of environmental culture and environmental education of the population
Public Services Automation

Currently, the number of public services delivered within the Ministry`s activity amounts to - 37. From which

are online services
are both paper-based/online services
are paper-based services

Pursuant to official instructions of Interdepartmental Commission on selection of public services that are subjected to be delivered via “Government for Citizens” Public Corporation, the Ministry approved 24 roadmaps to optimize and automate 35 public services. Within the implementation of 24 roadmaps the Ministry carried out the following activities:

2 public services in the field of environment protection added to Public Corporation (“Issuance of license to export/import hazardous waste”, “Issuance of complex ecological permit”);
5 public services in the field of environment protection and electrical engineering became online (“Issuance of environmental permits for facilities of the 1st category”,“Issuance of environmental emission permits for facilities of the 2nd , 3rd and 4th categories”, “Issuance of state environmental expert reviews for facilities of the 2nd, 3rd and 4th categories”, “Issuance of license to export/import hazardous waste”, “Approval for design and construction of duplicate (overriding) power lines and electrical substations”);
3 “hidden” public services in the field of subsurface management added to Public Corporation (“Transfer of rights for subsurface management and facilities related to subsurface management”, “Conclusion (signing) of contracts for subsurface management of hydrocarbons and uranium production”, “Conclusion (signing) of amendment agreements to contracts for subsurface management of hydrocarbons and uranium production”;
3 public services in the field of environment protection and atomic energy use became online (“Provision of environmental information”, “Accreditation of organizations performing inspection of nuclear and radiation safety”, “Appraisal of personnel working on facilities that utilize atomic energy”);
Waste sorting and recycling in Kazakhstan
tons of garbage was sorted
tons of garbage recycled
Environmental monitoring
air quality surveillance posts
water facility for water quality monitoring
soil contamination monitoring stations
radiation monitoring stations
meteorological stations monitoring the chemical composition of atmospheric precipitation
meteorological stations observing the chemical composition of snow cover
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